Thursday, May 31, 2007

'Ello Guv'ner! (week 7)

Okay, I enjoyed Blufr and the Puzzle Player. However, whoever is in charge of Puzzle Player is definitely not from Florida since on the first page it says:

Brrrrrrr…the temperature is dropping outside as we dig out our woolly scarves and ugg boots to beat the chill.Why not welcome the return of Winter this week by finding a cosy spot inside to play your favourite YouPlay game!
I'm pretty sure that the only sheep product that might interest Floridians at this time would be lambchops, definitely not wool (you imagines wearing wool anywhere in Central Florida? Ugghh!). And ugg boots? Once I saw "favorite" spelled, "favourite," I realized that this person is from "across the pond" where, I gather, there's three days out of the year when the sun decides to show itself. Oh well.
I probably shouldn't share this but it took me, like, 3 minutes to realize that Blufr is pronounced "bluffer" and not "bluefer." In my defense, though, as soon as I saw it on this week's lesson, I immediately wanted to say bluefer because it sounds funnier that way. You know what, I don't care. I'm gonna keep saying bluefer.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

More crossfire, sir? (week 6)

So, for the most part I found that the sites listed in this week's lesson were very cool. Although, when I played around with What Should I Read Next?, it was recommending some pretty odd crap. I typed in Jeeves and the Tie that Binds by P.G. Wodehouse (the guy is HILARIOUS! I don't care what anybody says), and it gave me a list that included some french album, and a novel having to do with young bright eyed Americans being sent to fight in the Korean War.

Call me dumb, but I fail to make the connection. Exploding mortar and flying body parts to the accompaniment of lovely french melodies has nothing to do with a genius valet constantly extricating his bumbling employer from ludricous (and HILARIOUS) situations in 1920 England.

Let's see, what's my favorite library technology? Well, I really enjoy when we have those snowman and now Super Squirt contests where you can design your own snow creature or superhero from the Froot of the Loom Justice League (is there an orange in the Froot of the Loom logo? I can only recall the apple and grape). Seriously, though, I think that the Homework Help that we offer is very cool, and so is Netlibrary. Both are good examples of how the library can offer information to it's patrons' without them ever having to step into our buildings.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

MySpace? What is MySpace? (week 4)

"This book is so awesome!"

I can't get the library's profile song out of my head! I tried getting rid of it by jamming a pencil in my ear, but all it got me was a trip to the ER for my busted, bleeding ear drum and still no respite (alas!).

We have to work on the library's "About Me" section, though. You don't have to answer any burning questions, just a few trivial things--what's the library's favorite color, is it easy going or not, does the library like traveling--those kinds of questions. Also, it wouldn't hurt to have a little background info like, is the library single? What schools did the library attend? Where has the library worked? I mean, the library has to give its friends something to work with.

And speaking of friends, I hope the library is giving its friend Maryl some serious love, because that poor girl is the only one really commenting on the library's page. She definitely deserves to be number one on the library's top 8, not 2. 1!

I think my favorite OCLS YouTube video has to be the Artfest 07 one. You see, there's this duo in the beginning banging on a pot and some weird drum thing (a drumette. A drumtop. I don't know) and at one point, the lady judo chops the pot. And then the guy gets a little drumtop solo and for a second he starts bobbing his head really fast, and he kind of looked like a bogglehead during an earthquake. Anyway, it made me laugh at least.

I've got to say: these web 2.0 apps are cool. I'm frequently amazed on how well they work. You've got millions of "hands" in this web pot but, somehow, for the most part, the information being shared/modified/tweaked/manipulated/edited/erased/rewritten still works. Cool Stuff.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

I Got the Hook Up! (week 3)

Just created my bloglines account which is OFF DA HOOK! Now I can look up the lovely events being offered at my local library AND learn how to make homemade XBox 360 controllers, all in the same place! Then I can sell at JMart or the Magic Mall at half price. I'll make a killing! Thank you Bloglines!

I've got to run. This cop that's been questioning the authenticity of the Jordan's I've been selling from the back of my trunk is at the door with more dumb questions (you know how that is).