Monday, July 2, 2007

I love my MP3 Player so Much, I'm Gonna Marry It! (week 10)

That wasn't a joke.

Ok, yeah it was. What I'm really going to do with my MP3 player:

Step 1: Download some music to it.
Step 2: Listen to the music.
Step 3: Repeat steps 1 &2.

I will also sporadically snap my fingers, hum off key and even burst into song. I will then realize how silly I look and I'll shut up.

I just downloaded an audiobook to my work computer. Pretty straightforward but I just realized I can only listen to it at work. Where I'm usually working. That kinda sucks.

1 comment:

OCLS Learn 2.0 said...

The whole work vs the audio book was an obvious design flaw in that lesson! My hope was that you would be motivated to eventually download future books to your MP3 player.